3 Ways to Enhance Employee Satisfaction

Many studies have found that there is an inverse relationship between employee satisfaction and turnover.  With recent trends of low unemployment and high demand for workers, employee satisfaction is more important than ever. In the U.S., among women aged 15 to 49 years with no prior births, about 1 in 5 have difficulty getting pregnant, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  Offering family-building benefits like those from WINFertility can help employers increase employee satisfaction in three different ways.

Making Family-Building More Accessible

Starting a family is a major life accomplishment for many employees, but pursuing fertility treatments, adoption, or surrogacy can be financially draining for those without insurance coverage. With a managed family building benefit like WIN’s, employees can access the family-building resources they need without excessive strain to their finances. A managed family-building benefit program like WINFertility’s helps improve outcomes for the employee while containing costs for the employer. Backed by clinical oversight, a managed fertility benefit ensures that employees receive the best, most effective treatment, increasing their chances of having a healthy child while allowing them to stretch their benefit dollars further. Additionally, this helps employers reduce costs by lowering incidences of high-risk multiple births and managing treatment costs.

Fostering an Inclusive Environment

The desire for a family is not limited to heterosexual couples.  Many LGBTQ+ employees also want to build a family, whether they are married, in a partnership, or single.  Conventional benefit programs that only cover fertility treatment, usually only in part, don’t serve the needs of people who need surrogacy or adoption, including women who are unable to carry a baby to term and single people of all genders.  In fact, sixty-three percent of LGBTQ+ people expect to use fertility treatments, adoption, or surrogacy to build their families. Male same-sex couples need a surrogate to carry a biological child, as well as egg donation. Female same-sex couples are left out of the standard definition of infertility, which depends on trying for 6 months to a year to get pregnant before going to IVF.  Many plans do not have a provision for female couples, so these women are forced to pay for IUI out of their own pockets before getting IVF. An inclusive benefit that approaches infertility more broadly, and includes surrogacy and adoption, supports an inclusive workplace and reinforces the value of all employees. Considering the family-building needs of all employees enhances a company’s DEI efforts and helps to attract a wider range of talented, satisfied employees.

Easing the Stress and Complexity of Family Building

In addition to financial strain, building a family can be emotionally stressful. Going through fertility treatment has often been likened to a roller-coaster ride of emotions, and pursuing adoption or surrogacy is often a complex, time-consuming process which can increase stress. WIN’s Nurse Care Managers guide employees through fertility treatment, providing advice on best practices, helping employees choose the best doctors and treatment options, and serving as a supportive advocate throughout treatment.  WIN also supports employees who choose adoption and surrogacy with educational resources, claims processing, and expert coaches. Anxiety and depression are common during family building. Longing to have a child and seeing other people easily do so while they struggle exacerbates the stress of trying to get pregnant or to adopt.  WIN’s Behavioral Health-trained Care Managers are especially equipped to provide emotional wellness support, tailored to the employee’s specific mental health needs, through one-on-one or couples counseling. Employees who receive WIN’s expert behavioral wellness support are giving the healthy coping mechanisms they need to improve their mental wellbeing, which can increase employee satisfaction and benefit employers through reduced absenteeism and higher productivity. WINFertility’s family-building benefits help employers promote an inclusive, caring environment for employees of all kinds. In today’s competitive job market, these benefits can increase employee satisfaction and retention while reducing health care costs. Click here to speak with your Regional Sales Representative and learn how WIN can support your employees.

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