Coping with an Infertility Diagnosis: Gentle Strategies for Mental Well-being

Explore the emotional impact of an infertility diagnosis and discover strategies for prioritizing your mental well-being on the path to parenthood.

Mental health encompasses our emotions, thoughts and mental well-being, so it comes as no surprise that the challenges we encounter throughout life can have a direct impact on our mental health.    Women diagnosed with infertility, for instance, can experience stress levels that are equivalent to the stress of those diagnosed with cancer, AIDS, or heart disease. Yet, many struggle silently, especially at work.   While family-building remains a significant concern for both men and women in the workforce, there are additional stresses that can challenge our mental well-being. These include the need for support after giving birth, childcare, caring for aging parents or other relatives, and the symptoms and health issues which arise with menopause and andropause.   You are not alone.
  • 36% of US workers experience symptoms related to depression or anxiety on any given day.
  • 73% of Millennial moms hide their stress from their families.
  • 66% of working parents meet the criteria for parental burnout.
  “Taking care of yourself should be at the top of your priority list. Nurture yourself, have compassion for yourself—just as you would for a friend going through an emotionally challenging time.”   —Alyssa Baron, LCSW, PMH-C, WIN Behavioral Health Care Advocate   Mental health support checklist Mental health can be relevant to anyone. Even if you’re not struggling with mental health yourself, you may have a loved one who is. This checklist can help you help them.   Tell them you’re worried This might be a good way to open up a conversation. It also shows you care about that person and have time for them.   Reassure them The first time someone mentions their worries is a big step. It’s good to recognize this and reassure them. Let them know you’re there to listen when they need to talk.   Offer your time to listen Listening is an important skill. Ask open questions that start with “how”, “what”, “where” or “when”. This can help people open up.   Offer practical help Little acts of kindness – like offering to do the shopping or helping with childcare – can make a big impact. Find out what works for them.    Look after yourself It can be upsetting to hear someone you care about is in distress. Be kind to yourself and take some time to relax or do something you enjoy.   WIN takes a compassionate and personalized approach to mental health. Our Behavioral Health Care Advocates are licensed clinical social workers who will help you identify challenges and establish healthy routines to reduce stress and anxiety, supporting your goals and overall well-being.

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