Five Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Pregnant

What You Can Do to Help When you’re trying to conceive, it may seem like everyone is getting pregnant but you. Fertility problems are pretty common, especially in women over age 35. What are some of the most common causes, and what can you do about them? 1) You’re Underweight or Overweight Many underweight, overweight, and obese women are able to get pregnant. But many others have trouble conceiving because of their weight. Women who are underweight may have irregular menstrual cycles and may stop ovulating. Women who are overweight or obese may also have irregular cycles and ovulation. But even obese women who are ovulating regularly can have trouble getting pregnant, according to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM). Other conditions such as thyroid disease, insulin resistance, and diabetes may cause fertility problems. See your doctor if your weight is not in the normal range and find out if you have an underlying disease that is also affecting your fertility. 2) Age A woman’s age is the most important factor affecting her ability to get pregnant and deliver a healthy baby. You are born with all the eggs you’ll ever have. Once you reach puberty, your eggs start maturing and being released each month if you are ovulating regularly. As a woman gets older, her eggs are also older and decrease in quality and quantity. Her fertility peaks in her 20s, and begins to decline slowly at about age 31. The decline accelerates around age 35 and drops even more at age 40. By 42 your odds of getting pregnant naturally are close to zero. This is why your age is so important in deciding when to pursue fertility treatment. If you’re under age 35 and have been TTC for a year, or 35 to 39 and have been trying for six months, or you are 40 or older, it may be time to consult a fertility specialist. A reproductive endocrinologist will evaluate you thoroughly and develop a personal plan to help you get pregnant. 3) You’re a Smoker Smoking is one of the worst things you can do if you’re TTC. Did you know women who smoke go through menopause two years earlier than women who don’t smoke? Research has proven that smoking negatively affects your fertility, and, if you do get pregnant, smoking increases your risk of miscarriage and low birth weight. The best thing you can do is to quit smoking. Your body and your future baby will thank you. 4) Endometriosis Endometriosis is when tissue from the uterus grows outside the uterus. It can be very painful during your period. The tissue can also block your fallopian tubes or scar them, preventing the egg from traveling down to your uterus to be fertilized. Thirty to 50 percent of women with endometriosis experience infertility. For years, laparoscopic surgery was used to remove the extra tissue in an effort to improve fertility. However, laparoscopic surgery is no longer the treatment of choice if you’re having trouble conceiving. It may be more effective to have IVF treatment without surgery. If you’ve been diagnosed with endometriosis you may want to consult a fertility specialist to determine the best treatment for you. 5) It’s Not You, It’s Him Male factor infertility and male factor combined with female fertility problems account for 30 to 40 percent of infertility problems in couples. Your male partner needs to understand that you’re in this together. This can be an emotional issue for men, but male factor infertility is very common. Especially if he is a smoker, heavy drinker, overweight, or has done drugs in the past, his fertility may have been lessened. Even if he is Mr. Clean and works out every day, he can still have conditions he wouldn’t know about, such as an enlarged vein in his scrotum (varicocele) or other issues that affect his sperm. Your male partner needs to be tested for any issues every bit as much as you do if you’re having problems trying to conceive. Fertility centers evaluate both the female partner and the male partner. They have andrology labs for analyzing sperm as well as embryology labs for fertilizing eggs in the lab. A fertility workup for both of you can help your reproductive endocrinologist develop the best plan to help you have a family. Is It Time for Fertility Treatment? If you’re ready to start a family, WINFertility can help. WINFertility’s FertilityCoachSM Nurses or professionally-trained Patient Specialists can help you find an excellent reproductive endocrinologist in your area and get discounted treatment packages and financing options. WINFertility provides lower than market-rate Treatment and Medication Bundles which combine medical services for a single IVF treatment and medications at a discounted “pay-as-you-go” price saving you up to 40% off the total cost of your treatment cycle. The bundle is tailored for your specific treatment plan, and you only pay for the treatment you need, unlike traditional multi-cycle discount plans in which you pay for up to 6 attempts that you may never need in order to receive a discount. For those patients who think they may need an additional IVF attempt to become pregnant, the WINFertility 2nd Chance IVF Refund Program helps control costs, maximizes your chance of success and minimizes your risk of overpaying. Are you ready to take the next step? Call 1-855-705-4483 (4IVF.)

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